Friday, September 26, 2008

Been there, done the jacket!

Dear me,

You may think that this letter is strange at first but I am who you will become so keep’s for your own good.At this stage, you probably can’t wait to escape the confinement of high school, but let me tell you friend that university is more than parties, fun and the occasional lecture. There are other issues that crop up along the fashion! You may not believe it, but deciding what to wear every morning will take up a substantial amount of your time.

Grahamstown weather is somewhat unpredictable. Sometimes you will experience four seasons in a day so when you pack, I hope that you are more practical than ambitious. However, this doesn’t mean you need to abandon your style completely. Oh and you will soon find that you have become a frequent customer at Mr. Price as this is one of (only) eight clothing stores. Yep, that’s the small town life of Grahamstown!You can’t really escape fashion here at Rhodes, people express their creativity through their fashion but sometimes everybody ends up looking the same. For example, at least twice a day you should encounter someone with a Steve Biko/Che Guevara (or some freedom fighter) imprinted on an item of clothing. People here seriously embrace their inner political activist / hippie through their fashion.

Do you remember the time when someone accused you of stealing a jacket just because you wore an identical one? And then, you had to prove that the jacket was indeed yours. Yes, people are serious about fashion here and somehow it always turns political.Just remember to wear you genes with pride, first year is going to be the year when you create first impressions and learn new things about your strength of character.

Trust me – been there, done that, got the jacket!

Yours in spirit


B'journ Supporter said...

Younger Andy...stay away from gtown... it may seem like a good idea to escape the city life, but there is nothing better than wearing your own jacket without thinking about the hater who will do anything to get their hands on it. Anyway grow up and enjoy destructing the education system one grade at a time...and if you happen to see an older version of me later on in life, to her to stay away from ethno and those nasty ass jeans. P.S: keep a look out for coldplay's 2008 album and one tree hill, it's not as lame as everyone makes it out to be.

Unknown said...

WOW!!!!!FRIEND. This looks amazing. Did u even sleep at all, trying to fix everything ??? Anyways, I'm just sitting here in my villa, overlooking the Italian Riviera, and I was thinking I sould probably drop into Monaco real quick on the private jet, to get you a congratulatory gift!!! Just let me know if you want Prada or Gucci. Or maybe Valentino??? Or perhaps I sould get Lars to come get you for the weekend so we can go to the Mos Def concert in Philly??? Up to you girlfriend. Been meaning to ask if that jacket-bitch is still alive...coz if she is, Antonio didn't do a very good job!!Father will have to suspend him until next summer, coz we'll need him on the yacht to the Greek Islands :) I miss you so much friend, the end-of-month Paris weekends have not been the same without you. Oh and our lattes in Prague - le sigh. I'm gonna send you a blackberry so we can chat ALL the time ok??? Miss you ... you sexy, intelligent niacca :) *mwah* xoxoxox