Thursday, October 2, 2008

A true survivor

Meal times in Oriel Dining Hall are filled with chaos and a cacophony of clanking cutlery and crockery. Yet, among all this confusion, one can’t help but acknowledge the presence of Charmaine Zwane, pensive by nature; she is often lost in thought at the head of the table.

Today, I’m greeted by a rather bright and breezy Charmaine, one less introspective and more easy-going. “Friend,” she jovially exclaimed upon our meeting, her smile creeping slowly from cheek to cheek and in doing so, exposing two striking dimples, one on each cheek.

Her wide smile turned into a shameful grin as she spoke of her decision to attend Rhodes University: “Rhodes seemed like a big high school, I was looking for an institution that could give me a personal experience and I also thought that it was the farthest place from home,” she said.

Even though she chose to get away from home, leaving the nest wasn’t quite as blissful as she expected it to be. She admits that first year has made her realise just how much she takes her family for granted and so, misses them a lot. Unlike others, who confide in friends or counsellors, Charmaine, chooses to deal with homesickness in quite an innovative manner: “I have discovered DC++, now I share all my troubles with Dr. House...just looking at all those dying people on the show, makes me realise that my life could be much worse,” she answered with a wistful glance.

Homesickness aside, she feels that some of her best experiences at University are from the first term, such as Orientation Week and everything that comes with it: meeting new and interesting people, making lots of friends, serenades as well as getting lost on campus. She does however admit to being overwhelmed by some of the not so kosher things she was exposed to here: “The first time I heard people swear and saw them smoke during O-week, I remember looking at our House Committee and thinking to myself, why aren’t these prefects saying anything,” she revealed with a chuckle.

When probed about her regrets this year, she swings her legs back and forth, places her hand on her hips and takes some time to think this through before arriving at her final answer. “I wish I had taken time to explore my talents. I wish I hadn’t gone along with all group activities; I partied a lot in the first semester and went along with what everyone else did instead of doing what I enjoyed. I focused too much on new things and in the process forgot who I was and what I enjoyed,” she declared as her eyes leapt with the shadows of her past. She proudly speaks of her new take on life, whereby she now does only what she wants to do and when she wants to do it.

After having spent almost an entire year in Grahamstown, Charmaine remains confused about one issue: “I don’t understand how anyone can walk around barefooted. The excuse I’ve heard is that in the jungle we didn’t wear shoes, but I just can’t accept that! We all live in the concrete jungle and so should dress accordingly – there are all kinds of disease like tapeworm or bilharzia, just waiting to creep up bare feet,” she says in disgust.

Charmaine Zwane’s story of her first year at Rhodes University, is one of a true survivor. Though she may have lost her way at the beginning of the year, she quickly found herself and did not let her newfound freedom or any other of the new things that she was exposed to, change who really is. Such a feat is really admirable, especially in light of people’s quests for popularity, to break free from the shackles of order and discipline at home and the desire to fit in, in the exciting world of University.


Chris said...

Hey Prin

I really enjoyed your personal profile to be honest it actually put a smile on my face and considering all the work I have to do that is real accomplishment. In many was I empathize with your friend Charmaine. And personally I expect many if not all first years have been going through the same feelings as she has. Like an adventure in one of Propp’s narratives we the heroes find ourselves changed for better or worse. Normally by the end of the change we hardly recognize our past selves while at the same time not even realize we have changed. And as for the shoe issues I agree with her 100%. Shoes are there to protect our feet. What happens if you step on a rusty nail or something? Plus, seeing dirty feet while I am at the Kaif just puts me off my food.

Thirusha said...

Hey Prinie Prin Prin
(I know you're probably going to hit me for calling you that)

I've had the pleasure of listening to Charmaine talk about Rhodes and all the boys she intends stalking when she got there since way back when we were cooking buddies. I see why you have chosen Charmaine to be your first year hero; she is one of the lucky few who found their way back after getting lost. Many people find it difficult not to give in to peer pressure especially when you are trying to make new friends and fit in. Charmine represents a beacon of hope as she was able to realise that you should stay true to yourself even when one of the cool kids say you can sit at their table if eat last week’s leftover gem squash surprise.

Choosing Charmaine as your hero shows that you place individuality as one of the key aspects to being a first year ninja. According Prop Charmaine’s bravery, honesty and charisma make her the ideal heroine who is willing to stand up to those bare footed hippies.